This workin' dog kit has everything your dog needs to stay safe when out on a hunt. Kit includes:
1 QuikClot® Advanced Clotting Gauze, 3” x 24”
1 Styptic Pencil
1 Nitrile Glove (pair)
Instruction / Instrument
1 Pet First Aid Field Booklet
1 Headlamp, LED
1 Leash, 5’ Nylon
1 Survive Outdoors Longer® Emergency Blanket 56” x 84”
1 Splinter Picker/Tick Remover Forceps
1 EMT Shears 4”
1 Hemostat Forceps 5.5”
1 Triangular Bandage (See Muzzle Instructions)
3 Safety Pin
Sprain / Strain
1 Instant Cold Pack
Wound Care / Burn
1 Irrigation Syringe, 20cc
2 Saline Solution, 100ml
1 Disposable Skin Stapler, 35 Wide Staples
1 Skin Staple Remover
3 Triple Antibiotic Ointment
6 Antiseptic Wipes
2 Alcohol Wipes
1 2” Self-Adhering Elastic Bandage
1 3” Self-Adhering Elastic Bandage
1 2” Conforming Gauze Bandage
1 3” Conforming Gauze Bandage
4 2” x 3” Non-Adherent Sterile Dressing
4 3” x 4” Non-Adherent Sterile Dressing
4 Antihistamine (Diphenhydramine 25 mg)
(Give To Animals Only As Prescribed by Vet)
1 Hydrogen Peroxide .75oz. (Induce Vomiting)
1 Eye Wash .5oz.